Accessibility for all! The consortium travels for the 3rd transnational project meeting in Lille, France (April, 2022)

First day

At the beginning of April 2022, on the 5th and the 6th, the partnership of ACCESS4All held its third international meeting (the 2nd face to face meeting of the project) in TANDEM PLUS’s premises in Lille, France. The intention of this meeting was, mainly, the discussion of the development and the implementation of the first outcomes of the project, while the partners had the opportunity to get a first look on the digital platform.


How has the project progressed since our last international meeting?

Respectfully to the scope of the ACCESS4All project, the consortium works on outputs that intend to support a holistic and integrated approach to the capacity building of the comprehensive pillars involved with the integration of people with disabilities. In the framework of the intellectual output 1 (IO1) ‘Awareness and Capacity Building ACCESS4All Courses’, the consortium finalized the research, integrating the collected national data (national and international policies
and legislation about accessibility, good practices, real case scenarios, etc.) in the curriculum and in the summative report.

In the meantime, the partners work on the IO2 “Assessment and Validation Tool for ACCESS4All awareness and capacity” and on the IO3 “The Best Practices and Policy Book”. Furthermore, all the material will be uploaded on the digital platform of the project, which is in
progress. For more information, visit the website


Second day

During the second day of the meeting, the partners spent a fruitful time in AlterEos Company. More specifically, AlterEos constitutes a company that specializes in the dematerialization, telephony, and packaging businesses, with the particularity of employing more than 82% of people with a disability. While visiting their facilities, the partners have the opportunity to see first-hand several economic and social initiatives that meet the permanent challenge of enabling people with disabilities in the work environment, for example in the textile or telephone industry.
For more information, visit the site





For more information about the project, visit:

Facebook: ACCESS4all
LinkedIn: access4allproject
Instagram: access4allproject

ACCESS4ALL partners websites:

BildungsLAB – Website
Xenios Polis-Website
Asociación Valencia Inno Hub – Website
CSI – Website
RESET LTD – Research And Education Of Social Empowerment And Transformation – Website
Culture Polis – Website
Cooperativa Sociale San Saturnino onlus- Website
Tandem Plus Network – Website



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information ontained

Accessibility for all! The consortium travels for the 3rd transnational project meeting in Lille, France (April, 2022)
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