Access4All will complete its journey on October 31st 2022 The Access4All partners met online one last time to discuss the overall outcome of the project and the final steps for its completion. We focused on the following areas: The Online Learning environment with the capacity-building modules that the team created and that […]
Europe Beyond Access
Photo Source: Europe’s biggest Arts & Disability programme As the British Council Arts explains, Europe Beyond Access is a “four-year pan-European project aimed at supporting disabled artists to break the glass ceilings of the contemporary theatre and dance sectors”. It is Europe’s biggest Arts & Disability programme, supporting and promoting artists […]
Accessible Tourism
Photo Source: Unsplash How hospitable is the island of Cyprus for People with Disabilities? Accessible Cyprus Accessible Cyprus is a guide published by the Cyprus Tourism Organization that includes a number of helpful information about various aspects of visiting or exploring the island for visitors/tourists with special access needs. In addition, Cyprus Paraplegic Organization […]
ACCESS4All Online Meeting | 25 May 2022
The ACCESS4All team has gathered once again on the 25th of May 2022 virtually, to discuss mainly the dissemination/impact of the project and IO3. In particular, the topics discussed were: discussing the current state of ACCESS4All dissemination play discussing the next steps that should be done to maximize the visibility of the project […]
Greece Makes Significant Progress to Ensure Accessible Destinations Counting more than 100 inhabited islands and a few more hundreds of deserted islets, Greece and particularly the Greek islands is best known as a summer destination for many people all over the world. Crystal clear turquoise water, refreshing salads, fresh fruits and plenty of sunshine are the main ingredients that contribute to […]
Accessibility of Public Sector Websites and Mobile Apps – Examining the Directive (EU) 2016/2102
Photo Source: Inaccessibility on the Web and Internet-enabled mobile technologies are threatening to exclude individuals who experience forms of disabilities, such as visually impaired or/and deaf persons. Thanks to the Directive (EU) 2016/2102 on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies, also known as Directive (EU) 2016/2102 that complex, […]
‘We know they can do it when it suits them’: theatre became more accessible during Covid. Will it last?
Doors may be open again, but some theatres remain inaccessible for disabled audiences. Online performances have helped – but many have already stopped streaming Going to the theatre in a pre-pandemic world, my first question was always whether I could use the toilets. With so many of the UK’s theatres dating back decades, or […]
How museums can make their websites more accessible
In the age of inclusivity, making resources more accessible is the way forward for organisations and institutions across all industries. For the heritage and cultural sector, this most certainly begins with upgrading a museum, gallery or heritage site’s physical accessibility; but it must also stretch beyond the walls of the museum, out into the community […]
Luxembourg City scoops EU accessibility award
Luxembourg City is the winner of the European Union Access City Awards 2022 for its outstanding efforts to become barrier-free and accessible to all people with disabilities. Around 87 million people in the EU live with a disability. The announcement was made on 3 December at the annual European Day of People with Disability event […]
Accessibility for all! The consortium travels for the 3rd transnational project meeting in Lille, France (April, 2022)
First day At the beginning of April 2022, on the 5th and the 6th, the partnership of ACCESS4All held its third international meeting (the 2nd face to face meeting of the project) in TANDEM PLUS’s premises in Lille, France. The intention of this meeting was, mainly, the discussion of the development and the implementation of […]