Infringed rights in Italy The UN Committee on the Rights...
Read MoreZugang zu ermöglichen ist ein Akt der Liebe
ACCESS4All – Awareness and Capacity building for ChangEs in policy SchemeS for disability towards incLusive societies. Zugang für alle – Bewusstseinsbildung und Kompetenzentwicklung für Veränderungen in Herangehensweisen bezüglich Behinderungen als Basis für eine frei zugängliche Gesellschaft.
Raise awareness for people with disabilities and their needs and fundamental rights.
Disabled members of society should enjoy the right of a full and decent life in proper conditions ensuring dignity, self-reliance promotion and facilitation of their active participation in community and it is up to the family environment, training providers and professionals along with society reflections and stakeholders-in general- to ensure that disability deserves equal chances and potentiality.
“Unsere Mission ist es, Menschen mit Behinderungen zu helfen, ein produktives Leben zu führen.” – Amy Rice
Disability and University
Disability and University, the Italian reference portal for Distance...
Read MoreHarmony and Inclusion
“Harmony and Inclusion” In August, the European Artistic Swimming Championships...
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