Online Coordination Meeting

Today the ACCESS4All team met (virtually) to discuss about the possibility of having an in person meeting due to the gradual lifting of COVID-19 restrictions. After months of fruitful collaboration, partners will finally meet face-to-face!

The 1st Transnational Meeting will take place at the beginning of October in Austria, where partners will have the opportunity to learn more about each other and to track the progress of IO1 – The Awareness and Capacity Building Courses. During the meeting partners will also have the time to plan next steps, to divide responsibilities and to discuss on the upcoming activities focusing on the development of ACCESS4All Online Learning Environment and Online Tools.


Curious to know what we are preparing? Stay in touch!

You can contact us also by LinkedIn and Facebook channel!

#ACCESS4ALL #erasmusplus #europeanproject #eu #disabilities #adulteducation #accessibility


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Online Coordination Meeting
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