“90% of companies prioritize diversity, 4% consider disability”

World Economic Forum, the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.


“90% of companies prioritize diversity, 4% consider disability”, “if just a 20% of the market has disability, how can you serve this market if you do not understand disabled people in their business?”  These statements are just a few examples of topics debated in the World Economic Forum.


The World Economic Forum is a platform that brings together the top political, business, cultural and other leaders in society who have the drive and influence to bring about positive change. On their social media you can explore videos, podcasts and stories focused on impactful issues of the day.


Regarding disability, we highlight its Youtube video on “Accessibility and Inclusion for All” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAxnE2XzL0k). It provides interesting quantity facts, such as that there are more than one billion people in the world living with disabilities. What is more, it makes us realise that not to have a disability now it is decisive as throughout life, many types of disabilities can be developed in a specific or long-lasting way, visible or invisible, and that is why we must prepare society.

Explore more topics in her social networks.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAxnE2XzL0k


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“90% of companies prioritize diversity, 4% consider disability”
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