Infringed rights in Italy

Infringed rights in Italy

The UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities established that families with disabled people in Italy are discriminated against. It has found that the failure to provide individualised support services to a family of persons with disabilities was discriminatory and violated their rights to family life, to live independently and to an adequate living standard.
The Committee published recently this Decision after examining a complaint submitted by an Italian national.
It is pointed out that “the Italian legal system does not provide any legal protection to family caregivers regarding pension for assistance, indemnity or sickness insurance” and emphasises the need for economic support, better access to housing, attention to maintaining family unity, affordable care services, tax relief, flexible working hours, up to the recognition of the specific status of family caregiver within the pension system.
“This case is a breakthrough because the Committee recognised the violation of a family caregiver’s right to social support, in addition to the rights of persons with disabilities”, said Markus Schefer, the Committee’s rapporteur on communications.

Infringed rights in Italy
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