Disability Studies in Austria – an urgent topic for everyone

With the aim of developing an egalitarian, positive understanding of disability in society

Since 2009, people who research and work in the context of disability studies have been networking in the working group and cooperation platform DiStA (Disability Studies Austria, research on disability, Austria).

In contrast to the approach to disability, which has long prevailed and is still practiced, Disability Studies deal with the complex constitutional, naming, and social allocation and exclusion processes that affect people who are assigned to the category of disability. In this sense, disability studies discuss disability with the dimensions social, culture, psyche, politics, law and economy.

The members of DiStA come from a wide variety of disciplines. Essential prerequisites for participation in the initiative are personal concern, political commitment, and professional competence. Those affected by and co-affected by disabilities as well as allies are invited to network.

Regular networking meetings not only reflect on the DiStA as a group, but also further develop the concept with which the DiStA can actively participate in policy making in a research and scholarly manner. In this way, the DiStA not only corresponds to what disability studies are or should be, but also reacts to the political situation.

DiStA has set itself the goal of establishing disability studies in Austria in research, higher education and further education with the aim of developing an egalitarian, positive understanding of disability in society.

To get more information about the Disability Studies Austria click here: https://dista.uniability.org/disability-studies/disability-studies-disability-research/

Disability Studies in Austria – an urgent topic for everyone
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