Diversity wins: How inclusion matters

The 4 keys to unlocking the power of diversity

There is now extensive research showing that different organizations can enjoy a performance advantage. But unfortunately, there are also instances where differences among people – be it social status, educational background, gender and sexuality, race, ethnicity or country of origin, physical and mental abilities or political ideologies – can also cause polarizing friction.

At Wharton University, they believe in the power of diversity, but they also know that increasing diversity in our students, faculty and staff is only the beginning that requires clear thinking and commitment to translate the potential benefits of diversity into better outcomes for all. This is the case in universities, and so is corporations, nonprofits, and governments.

“The full potential of diversity can only be realized when all members of an organization feel included, that they belong, and that they are respected for who they are and what they offer.” – Geoffrey Garrett

To read the four keys to ensure that diversity is an asset to all organizations and to society as a whole read the full article: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/09/why-diversity-is-about-much-more-than-numbers/


Diversity wins: How inclusion matters
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