Training and job placement

Photos of some students from the "RistorAbile" course

A Professional qualification course for a catering operator by FOLIAS


Today we tell you about a good practice of one of our associated partners, the Folias Cooperativa Sociale, located in the province of Rome.

Last summer, after more than a year of training, Folias Formazione achieved great goals with the RistorAbile Project: the realisation of two professional qualification courses to promote social/occupational integration paths for people with disabilities.

As if by magic, personal differences, cognitive wealth and difficulties, psychophysical limitations and social stereotypes, have merged into a single heart that overcomes any obstacle. The RistorAbile project, financed by the Lazio Region and free of charge for all those enrolled, achieved its objective of having 100% of the students complete the course.

There was no shortage of difficulties, not least due to the pandemic, both among the students and the staff, but the enthusiasm and strong motivation of the students prevailed, involving tutors, teachers and the many restaurateurs who welcomed them to their businesses.

Wonder was the prevailing feeling throughout the course, because every day of training was characterised by new discoveries concerning the trainees, and even the technical/professional results achieved by most of them tell us of an opportunity for growth that has been fulfilled.


#ACCESS4ALL #erasmusplus #europeanproject, #eu, #disabilities  #adulteducation #accessibility


For more information:

Project’s Facebook profile: Folias Formazione | Facebook



Folias Formazione | Facebook




Training and job placement
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