Social Cooperative San Saturnino
The social cooperative Sociale San Saturnino onlus was constituted in 1989, although its origins and first steps date back to 1980 when, as a volunteer association, it collaborated with the city government in launching an initial experiment of Domestic Assistance for the Elderly carried out in Rome. Over the years, the considerable diversification of the activities performed has allowed the cooperative to operate in several jurisdictions of the city of Rome and in the region and to use its unique expertise of competencies and experience to respond to the various needs of different target groups: minors, persons with disabilities, elderly, homeless, women/single mothers with children, migrants, drug addicts, families. The cooperative offers its services in order to improve the quality of live, to promote the social solidarity, to encourage the acceptance of differences and non-discrimination, to develop a wide spread of community empowerment. In carrying out its own mission, the cooperative is considered an active player participating – in close collaboration with institutional structures, non-profits and formal and informal resources – in constructing the well-being of the community and the social integration of citizens through the promotion, planning and realization of psychological, social health and educational services. In managing these services, San Saturnino makes use of a qualified organizational system and diversified human and professional resources: social workers, psychologists, pedagogues, educators, and childcare workers. Thanks to the experience gained over the years through direct contact with citizens, the cooperative aims to respond in the most appropriate way to actual needs, offering direct services to the individual while always keeping in mind the quality requested and specified by institutional structures.