Valencia Inno Hub Association

Valencia Inno Hub Association

Valencia Inno Hub (Innohub) is a Spanish non-profit organization born with the objective of putting together talent, technology, as well as personal and professional development. It aims is to promote innovation and new technology solutions that will promote a better future, through actions supporting an innovative and technology creation environment, together with a special focus on disadvantaged society groups and their economic and social inclusion. Innohub believes in the necessity of change in the economic model in order to create a more competitive and value-adding economy, facilitating the necessary tools for our companies and individuals, and in this support of young people to make sure said change is perpetuated in time.

By mentoring and training Innohub supports young people, entrepreneurs and individuals from disadvantage groups facing different factors of exclusion: youngsters and adults with educational difficulties, empowering them and building their entrepreneurial and self-employment skills.
With this intention, Innohub develops many activities to help individuals/organisations to reach their objectives:
o By offering workshops, training, seminars, and networking related to several topics of interest, especially on innovation and new technologies, personal development, soft skills, career guidance, entrepreneurship, business models, internationalization and financing;
o By promoting technologic and innovation cooperation;
o By supporting disadvantage groups and wannabe entrepreneurs from different backgrounds, boosting entrepreneurial skills;
o By enhancing a future vision of business, in which environmental issues are addressed and considered;
o By providing assistance related carrier guidance.

Today, Innohub collaborates together with a wide range of economic actors, both public and private. The association has a strong cooperation with actors supporting young people and entrepreneurs from Valencian region.

The recent experience in European projects has developed the possibility to reach more individuals and organizations that can take advantage from Innohub services. It also allowed to wider the local, national and international network of contacts which enriches the possibilities of the association in their daily activities.

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