
Konferenz Access4All: Europäische Konferenz über Behinderungen und integrative Gesellschaften

Nach seiner umfassenden und wirksamen Umsetzung wurde Access4All (Awareness and Capacity Building for Changes in Policy Schemes for Disability towards Inclusive Societies) abgeschlossen. [Projektnummer: 2020-1-EL01-KA204-079196] Die Abschlusskonferenz, die unter der Schirmherrschaft der Stadt Athen organisiert wurde, fand am 13. Oktober 2022 in Athen statt, genauer gesagt in Serafio (19 Echelidon & 144 Piraeus). Vor Abschluss […]

Infringed rights in Italy

Infringed rights in Italy The UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities established that families with disabled people in Italy are discriminated against. It has found that the failure to provide individualised support services to a family of persons with disabilities was discriminatory and violated their rights to family life, to live independently […]

Disability and University

Disability and University, the Italian reference portal for Distance Learning, has carried out an in-depth research dedicated to the services offered to disabled students and students with SLD (Specific Learning Desorders) by telematic universities recognised by the MIUR – Ministry of Education. According to the results of the research illustrated in the portal’s press […]

Harmony and Inclusion

“Harmony and Inclusion” In August, the European Artistic Swimming Championships were held in Rome, where Italian athletes triumphed and won 67 medals. At the Gala Event, the closing party of the competition, Giorgio Minisini and Arianna Sacripante performed. Giorgio is a two-time world champion and four-time European champion in synchronised swimming. Arianna is an artistic […]

Our Last Online Meeting | 22 July 2022

Access4All will complete its journey on October 31st 2022     The Access4All partners met online one last time to discuss the overall outcome of the project and the final steps for its completion. We focused on the following areas:   The Online Learning environment with the capacity-building modules that the team created and that […]

Europe Beyond Access

Photo Source: Europe’s biggest Arts & Disability programme     As the British Council Arts explains, Europe Beyond Access is a “four-year pan-European project aimed at supporting disabled artists to break the glass ceilings of the contemporary theatre and dance sectors”.   It is Europe’s biggest Arts & Disability programme, supporting and promoting artists […]

Accessible Tourism

Photo Source: Unsplash How hospitable is the island of Cyprus for People with Disabilities?   Accessible Cyprus Accessible Cyprus is a guide published by the Cyprus Tourism Organization that includes a number of helpful information about various aspects of visiting or exploring the island for visitors/tourists with special access needs. In addition, Cyprus Paraplegic Organization […]

ACCESS4All Online Meeting | 25 May 2022

The ACCESS4All team has gathered once again on the 25th of May 2022 virtually, to discuss mainly the dissemination/impact of the project and IO3.    In particular, the topics discussed were:   discussing the current state of ACCESS4All dissemination play discussing the next steps that should be done to maximize the visibility of the project […]

Accessibility of Public Sector Websites and Mobile Apps – Examining the Directive (EU) 2016/2102

Photo Source:   Inaccessibility on the Web and Internet-enabled mobile technologies are threatening to exclude individuals who experience forms of disabilities, such as visually impaired or/and deaf persons. Thanks to the Directive (EU) 2016/2102 on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies, also known as Directive (EU) 2016/2102 that complex, […]

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